Saturday, January 10, 2009

Presto!!! I can make up to 4 million jobs....

First Obama promised to make 2.5 million jobs (that was in November)

Then he upped it to 3 million jobs (December)

As of yesterday Obama can make 4 million jobs and most importantly give my little sister that unicorn she always wanted!

Watch out David Blaine...

Disclaimer: The 14-page analysis, which was posted online, says estimates are "subject to significant margins of error" — because of the assumptions that went into the economic models and because it is not known what might pass Congress.


Mark said...

I was going to write the exact same entry


It's going to be 4.5 million jobs by the time they are done

and of the original 2.5 million people forget his exact words

we will KEEP or ADD 2.5 million jobs

now they've gotten red of the word KEEP and only used the word ADD and then included 1M new jobs!

I thought he was better than this

Patrick said...

Thanks Mark. Great minds think alike :-)

If this keeps up then I'll change my name to "the skeptical investor."