Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Still 60% cash and...

I'm lovin' it :-)

Off to go order every item on the dollar menu (aka $7 bucks worth at McDonalds)

Lesson: in this complex financial world you should always keep a sizeable cash position (15%-20%) going forward (I am talking about the next 3 years mind you). Of course, when investors are fixated on Washington, you should think about doubling your cash reserves to at least 35% given the fear political fools instill when speaking on TV.


Kevin said...

I would trade cash in for gold over the next 3 years

Patrick said...

True. But I'll take TBT over GLD (aka short treasuries over long gold). Given how much debt the US will need to issue to clean up this clusterf**k, long bond yields won't stay below 3%