Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Friday will be glorious...

In the mean time enjoy


Black said...

Why will Friday be glorious?

Patrick said...

Glad someone asked :-)

XOM will report a miss, writedown assets, and cut their stock repurchase plan on Friday. It will be a glorious sight to see.

I am now on the record. If I am wrong I will lose egregious amounts of money via my position in DUG. However, my bearishness on XOM and its pathetic peers will be vindicated.

Black said...

Thanks for answering my question.

I agree with your position that the big boys are getting set for a fall, but what about the small refiners and infrastructure plays, BJS, XCO, CLR, COG, etc., etc.? I'm getting an itchy trigger finger to buy in that sector b/c most are just passing their 50 EMA (course I'm waiting for the next pullback to get in).
