Friday, October 10, 2008

The VIX reached above 70! Wow...

THIS IS NOT A DREAM. This is THE most historical moment in global financial history since the GREAT DEPRESSION. I know the future will be painful for everyone but all I can say is "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."

The world will continue to progress and innovate, albeit at a much slower rate. In these difficult times all you can control is how you "ride it out." For the next several years it's important that you take care of yourself and what's important to you AND STOP WORRYING ABOUT THIS SHIT, because you have absolutely no control over it. I am not saying don't read about the future expectations for markets, but don't let things beyond your control own you.

Don't let the fuck ups in the White House, Congress, and Wall Street break your spirit. People can do extraordinary things when they reach deep inside themselves and block out all the negative assholes in their life. Continue to repeat this mantra when you're faced with great uncertainty and fear. If you do you will then have the faith to ride out the shit storm perpetrated upon you by total moronic strangers.

P.S. Given yesterday's awful close, I knew the markets would gap down today. So I basically slept an extra 30 minutes so as to avoid the carnage (staying true to my don't let Wall Street's shit screw up your life - right?). I removed by JRCC stop loss order last night, so I did NOT get stopped out this morning. In fact when I woke up to see the VIX above 68, I said "no balls, no babies" and bought some more JRCC and APWR. I will enforced stops though on both of these going forward.

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