Monday, January 12, 2009

Late Night Thought: These guys are bald a$$holes

I wouldn't be surprised if there was a "Brokeback Mountain" thing between the two of them...haven't you wondered why Paulson travels so much?

In the most scathing criticism yet of Treasury's implementation of the $700 billion financial-rescue package, a draft report being issued by a five-member congressional oversight panel said there appear to be "significant gaps" in Treasury's ability to track hundreds of billions of dollars of taxpayer money.

The report faults Treasury on a variety of fronts: having no ability to ensure banks lend the money they have received from the government; having no standards for measuring the success of the program; and for ignoring or offering incomplete answers to panel questions.

The draft report noted that Treasury hasn't used any of TARP's $700 billion to help borrowers refinance or deal with mortgages that are worth more than the market value of the homes they are tied to.

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