Friday, September 26, 2008

Best post EVER about our two bailout options...

What the fuck is wrong with our ‘fearless leaders’? Don’t they know 75% of this country is littered with illiterate rubes who don’t know the difference between a bank and a banana? To the average main street, blue collar, idiot, it makes zero sense to give ‘their money’ to a banana. Hell, they would much rather prefer a nice big fucking stimulus check, so that they can go buy a new plasma.

So, on top of all the bullshit congress has put us through, over the last 10 years, now they feel it’s imperative to play a losers game of financial chicken with Wall Street, because the fucking factory workers in Pennsylvania think “those fat cats” from Wall Street “outta go to jail.”

Okay, how about this, Mr. Joey Bag o’ Donuts:

Your credit lines have been canceled. Your daughters student loan has been canceled. Your filthy factory, due to their lines of credit being turned off, has to fire you, in order to stay afloat. Now that you are unemployed, you need to tap your 401k plan to live, while you are in between jobs. Oh, sorry, the value of your retirement account is down 60%, because that “fucking bailout for those Wall Street honchos” failed. And, finally, your local grocery store just got shut down, due to lack of liquidity.

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